Wak'âdja, the Thunder Bird

Aspect: 2 MP: 5
Domain: 5 MP: 9
Realm: 0 MP: 5
Spirit: 2 MP: 5

Immutable: 1 point. You grow hungry or tired, but can survive indefinitely without food, water, sleep, or even air. You age slowly, but you will not die of natural causes.

Durant: 1 point. You are difficult to injure and heal quickly.

Flight: 1 point. Handy for winged characters. Unnecessary for winged characters with an Aspect of 5, who get it automatically.

Shapeshifting: 1 point; he can be in the form of a man (native american) or a bird. In bird form, he has a great beautiful plumage unlike any earthly bird, is large, and has the general shape of a hawk.

Affiliation: The Light.      Mission: Stop pollution

Domain limit: Can control the weather, but finely tuned control is difficult. This flaw has been worked off.

Can be summoned by the appropriate ceremony. 2 MP paid whenever it comes up. "I WAS AT A PARTY..." Note: The Cherokee call the equivalent of the thunderbird the Red Man. However, only in special ceremonies do they use this name, for he gets angry if they use it in common. So they refer to her in everyday speech as the White Man. Just thought that was interesting.

Cannot use modern technology. 1 MP, but it comes up often.

A Cheap Date. Drinking alcohol makes her woozy pretty fast.

Joe 3
Tara 4
Bob 1
Waterfall 1 (place in the mountains, high up)
People 2 (general, and the Mission)
Native amers 4 ("The People")
Nature 1
Weather 2
Rainbow Crest 1


Wak'âdja, the name she goes by (though not her True Name, as she embodies all aspects of thunderbirds) was one of the more powerful of the mythological thunderbirds (there appears to be a family), indeed the head of the family (I haven't the actual Winnebago name for this, though Wak'âdja is the Winnebago term for thunderbirds in general). She grew arrogant and prideful with her power and ability (this is not Winnebago myth, but another variety) to control the lightning and thunder, though she still did help man. The Imperator, seeing that this bird had some control over her domain, and still did help humanity, decided to Wak'âdja. However, the pride and arrogance irritated the Imperator and they had a Talk(tm). Wak'âdja is bound to serve the Light, and to serve humanity as a result of this Talk(tm), and is much more humble now. [This fits in with the myth from a book I found, but twisted somewhat to fit the setting, obviously.] However, she is still easy enough to anger, should a human be disrespectful. [Wow, this was so easy to adapt to our system...]

Once the Thunder Bird was imbued with the weather aspect, the thunder bird took on other aspects of weather as well. She cares about the native american peoples the most, and wishes to stop oppression of them. She abhorrs Pollution as it destroys that which the native americans care about - nature - and also endangers humanity, without which she would not have reason to be. Her mission is to destroy pollution and causes of pollution whenever she can.

Two of her anchors are native americans - one woman and one man. The woman is one who was to sacrifice herself in the interest of her tribe by jumping from a mesa to bring the rains. She was very beautiful and the thunder bird came to her and brought the rains, and asked her to not jump. She fell in love with her bright intelligence, and she is very important to her. As the anchors are not immortal (nor is she, as yet, though she ages slowly), from her one of her daughters was chosen when the time came, and so on until Tara, the present day anchor. The man was a chief who saw the thunderbird bathing in a pool by a mountain waterfall one day during a walk he had taken to find enlightenment on what to do about mining polluting the waters near the reservation. Upon seeing the bird, he befriended it by bringing rare and colorful beads to make a rainbow crest which shone in the spray of the falls. This chieftain is less important than the girl, but still important to the thunderbird.

The third anchor is Bob the Weatherman. ("Because Bob's on the Job") Bob is a recent addition to the anchor group. Bob is a *very* nice guy - he's nice to his wife, nice to his kids, does charity stuff, etc. He's even nice to his dog and neighbors, and will plow out his next-door neighbor's driveway since she's elderly just because it's the Right Thing To Do. Bob, however, has one problem. He's not real good at predicting the weather. Oh, sure, he's ok when it's blatantly obvious. But there are times when he's just out in left field. But he's such a nice guy that Wak'âdja feels kinda sorry for him, and actually likes the guy. So, sometimes she'll just... help, a little. :)

The bird also cares about nature, and trees and plants to some extent. However she will sacrifice these things if it thinks that bad weather will help save man somehow. I'm trying to think of an example... but I'm sure that one will come to me.

She also likes all aspects of Weather. Clouds make her happy. Lightning makes her happy. Snow makes her happy.

She cares about people in general, and wishes they would all get along. She has a hard time understanding them, sometimes, and tries to do things that she thinks will help keep them from self-destructing.